Want to prove the headline false..
Ok tomarrow i m going to home .. And first time in the past 6 years i have decided that i will be in my home for maximum time..
Maximum time includes those 8 hours that one spends in sleeping..
Means kb u didnt have slept in u r house from past 6 years?
Ummm nopes i dont..
Even i didnt had bath at mine home ;) ( please note- i use to bath everyday )
So how did u managed at this level?
I used to stay at friends *room*
Say if i didnt had decided .. Aai pappa na mazi luggege bag pan nasati disali..
And from my 3rd year of bsc degree i started spending my maximum time at friends *room*
And if u ask at which level?
I use to stay even if the friends goan to celebrate festivals to there respective homes..
I ( and my parents ) are habbitual with this
There alarmed 8 pm and kb left his home.. And mummy used to tell ' sakali lavkar ye '..
And if for some reasom i was late to leave .. Call from friends asking kyon be kidhar hai..
All were habbitual ..
*But someday you have to take initiative to break habbits .. When u realise that the habbits cant just anyhow not possible to be continued.*
I am knowing there is still sunil who is in jalgaon .. But i am also going to feel when i will spend maximum time at home
May be i dont want to face the situation when i will not have a option to stay.. And forcefully i will convince myself..
So sunyaa .. Dont give me a call after 9 pm .. Mostaly i would have slept by that time ;)
Oh ahh shit
I usually sleeps at 1 am :(
So once again statement need to go on below line
*But someday you have to take initiative to break habbits .. When u realise that the habbits cant just anyhow not possible to be continued.*
But i believe with my this habbit has helped me a lot.
I have precious *finite* set of close friends.. And i may dont have took good things from them.. Atleast i know what are good things..
Really amazing were those days .. More persons around u.. More thoughts .. Better i should use 'more perspective to look at something.. '
So continue as long as possible those habbits .. They gives satisfaction , joy that is uncomparable... But dont be too late to go away from them ( iff u cant continue them )..
Btw blogging is habbit !
wish u all safe + habbits that u can continue life...
Reached vt...
-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949
Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.
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