Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

part of life

Mitranno Namskar

I arranged 3 varients and couldnt resist from sharing this snap wid u guys

Btw i use pilot

More, later...


-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Never regret anything that made you smile

whats up guys

thinking alone.. has been in deep thinking .. I tried but I couldn't deny. So I following what my heart says.

On other note

I have anger on road commuters.. those includes almost anyone.. the most thing irritates me is they blow horns a lot..

I BELIEVE IF ONE CAN NOT DRIVE WITHOUT USING HORN.. HE DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!! request to that person not to drive coz he is incresing sound polution, and may cause accident.. I want to take this opportunity to convince you to observe one day in Mumbai and then Pune. You will see difference.

त्यांना म्हणजे त्यांच्या समोर एकपन गाड़ी नकोच अस म्हनायच असत बहुतेक.. अंदाज घेऊ शकत नाही आणी म्हणे आम्ही गाड़ी चालवतो.
मी अश्या लोकांना 'शहाणा' म्हणतो ( हो अगदी तोंडावर ) , आणी विचारतो की कारे ओ राष्ट्रपती नी भेटायला बोलावले काय ?

Here in Pune road travelers doesn't obey LANE.

कोंडी होऊ न देणारा खरा ड्राइवर असतो.

Anyone will cross you and take left even he is in right lane. He will not care for anybody. He will cause all traffic behind to wait until he succeeds in his mission.

रिक्शा वाले तर त्यांची मर्सिडीजच आहे आणी ती रस्त्याच्या मधोमध ३० च्या स्पीड ने चालवतात. हा पण दूसरा 'शहाणा'. बाईक वाले हवा तेवा लेन कट करतील ते तीसरे !

मुम्बईत अशी लेन कट करायची पण हिम्मतच होणार नाही.. नाहीतर डाइरेक्ट वर... मग ते सिग्नल ला पण लेन नाही कट करत, भले शेजारची लेन मोकळी का असे ना,

सिग्नल ला कधी पण साइड च्या बाजु उगाच पैक नसते करायची.. ज्या लोकांना उजवी/ डावी कड़े वळन्याची असत त्या लोकानासाठी ती रिकामी ठेवायची असते.

रस्त्यावर कोणी सोमुचा गोमू भेटला की लगेच तिथेच गप्पा सुरु, साधी साइड ला गाड़ी घेउन बोलू अशी पण अक्कल नसते.

ह्यावर कोणी नेत्या ने अशा गोष्टी अशा प्रकारे सांगीतल तर लगेच मीडिया त्यांचीच अक्कल काढतील. ह्या मीडिया वाल्यांना एक साधी गोष्ट सरकार च्या निदर्शनास आनता येत नाही ती म्हणजे इतके कर्कश होर्न तयारच व्ह्यायला नकोत... पब्लिक ला तर काय स्पून फीडिंग लागत. ह्या शहन्यांच्या घरासमोर माला परवानगी दिली तर मी दिवस रात्र हाय डेसिबल चा होर्न वाजवत बसेन. साल सरकार पण भारी आहे दिवाळी ला एक रात्र फुटनारे फटाक्यांच डेसिबल ठरवतात मग ह्या होर्न च डेसिबल ठरवायला याना काय अड़चन आहे.

पल्सर ला लोक ट्रक चा होर्न लावतात. निव्वळ मुर्ख पना आहे.

Lets see.. hopefully when I will have so much money and I can live on the interest earned on it. I will chose to be politician...

लोकहो मत देश्यात ना?

Monday, January 4, 2010

keeping the poison in me with me

Mitranno Namskar

( blog content i will publish later if needs)

But this way it is nt possible
May 2tomarow turnes diff

Hope hopd

-by kb
Reach me @+91 987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

missing writing

Mitranno Namskar

And the reason is i want to make less use of keypad of my loving device

I had just renovation of it, costing kebyaa a 5.5 k
It has new original body
Solved issue of speaker
Scratch guard
Lather case
And a bluetooth

And its again functioning gr8

Ah btw
How is kb's married life

Good going guys
I am having daily a quality food

Swati is being beilieved by myself to eat as most as she can ;) i know she is getting adjusted with her this new change


I have a legal gas connection

Shopping for necessary things are almost done

We dont need much to pay for vegitables , cause we eat mostaly pulses supplied all the way from jalgaon ;)

I do njoying cooking for dinner

Swati cooks well though
The office tiffin is shared by only n only kb ;)

I have some time teaching swati related to computer languages
Currently java is on list

I have now first class season ticket

Smoking reduced satisfactorly

At the time i am writing this i have gave interview on oops in mumbai
At least i know the questions

I guess interviewer satisfied with same

A free advice

Be clear for what are things like, loves, matters for u with u r spouce.

I first time got experience being in mnc, nihilent pune
And was amazed to see their setup

Since i have left webo i am adjusting myself to woke up early.

Swati is at hometown so njoying freedom
At last she know how much friends i have

Cyaaa guys
I m keeping my show go on ;)

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

nothing costs to dreaming

Mitranno Namskar

At 4 mob rang with mail alert
Its from a company which kb has found in the process of job hunt

Lil Background

He explored most of companies web pages
He said voila
He scaned intw process and he was stunned

A company whr not a single employee is ganya ( like me ;) )

He said himself beta kb are re resume pathavaychi bi himmat nahi

2 days he was thinking should or should not to send

Finally he sent the resume and the next moment he thought u did one more bc

I convince myself with a thought kb stupid looj at u r resume does it is worth for a company , the hr will safely move it to trash
And what if they get back?
Ummm i will then say na no i am not looking for job

Aso they are back to me
And the hr ? No recruitment specialliest mentiones
A must go through process then n they will arange a telephonic intw
(thank god they didnt sent my resume to trash ;) may be they impressed on my bravery ;) )

Now the ball is in my court !
It has a long time i played with 'C' pitch (look i just reserved statement if i fails )
But not the thinking process that helps me to be on pitch!


Code speaks for itself!

Gn folks

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device

Thursday, January 22, 2009

want to cry

Mitranno Namskar

........ And No word from the world can explain.

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Monday, December 15, 2008

hole hole ho jayega

Mitranno Namskar

He came
He saw
He won

A partially true statement wrt amryaa .. Lol

He came here
We saw rab ne bana di jodi
And we always wins .. When we meets

So its again back 2 work policy needs to apply

Movie is 1 number btw

Saterday was for some official work..

I have a news to share ..
Kb is applying for upsc exam..

Kb that needs dedicated study..


Kb not saying that he is going to crack the exam


Thats how he had studied uptil..

And i am sure this attempt wil add knowledge in his crazy mind..

What else?

Yes ,i m getting kate for office.. Yesterday it was not over beilive me ;)

Hey Chima thanks for that icecream re.. It melted down well ;)

Sunyaa be prepare to welcome us ;)

Plan is for min to min @ jalgaon..
We guys has a chance to meet together at our beloved places in jalgaon..

But apane area main kb sher nahi banega ;).. And my secure image for jalgaon wil be secure ;)


Thats it

Other than this there is routine involved all over our lives

Hole hole ho jayega pyar.. ;)


Have a good day

Feeling hungry

But no sandwitch at multiplex
Why they costs so much .. And amrya to loose money ;)

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Mitranno Namskar

And we *all* says this .. Though we never wants to say this..


Wish u r destiny will have only few times where u would need to use the word... And ( though i know nothing is comparable )
You get atleast upto what u deserves!

And wish u to make aware those kash things, their importance in demanding hearts..



-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

@ni8 at vt station

Mitranno Namskar

I m going home and my train will be leaving late 1:30 am. Its 11:30 pm now and me standing @ bus stop just outside main entrance of vt all alone but observing ni8 life..
Hot can u observe ? U r writing a blog .. Yeps but kb neednt look at mobile screen most of time he got his fingures to be friend of keypad of his loving e 51!

Yeps i have practiced myself enough ;)

K now me in train had relaxed myself on my alloted bearth in my exclusive style.. Its 1 :30 am

So two hours what did u done kb .. I love long calls ;) ... Tinu was on line ..

So my backpack been checked twice at vt .. And found nothing suspecious ;)

Me carrying a dress And regular needing stuff only ..

Its a one *day* trip only..
2marow ni8 i will be in return journey..

Yeps i did have saved my leaves to attend my some known and few heartly related friends marriages..

But i have a msg for them try to marry on weekends ..

Train is running and me njoying window seat

But in the end i 2day had lots of que's unanswered .. And i was in mood to cancel the jalgaon visit..
So i choosed tinu to give a long call and to divert my mind..
Nopes it didnt worked though..

And i conveyed my mind with a answer..Needs to go in caps


It happens.. It gives joy.. Life at peek .. All is colorful.. Dreamz unlimited... Is thr Dirtance? Close eyes .. No.. All dark.. I calls it as Love

No - it hurts

yes! but no from parents .. For me just dont have courage to look into those eyes..

But tinyaa mohabbat ka naam aaj bhi mohabbat hai beta ;) dulhan usiki hoti hai jo doli main bithake ghar le aata hai..

Doli uthane ke liye ( madat huh bhai ) i have kept spare my leaves ;)

But i have a request u dear i had seen u always happy.. Whatever ,i reapeat whatever be the result i want u too be happy.. I will want to look into eyes..

Just remember

...SHOW MUST GO ON... I calls it as LIFE

At least both of u have accepted that it happened..

Lekin tinyaa apun milenge re jara discuss karana hai sala ye cast kisane banaye ..
Yahi reason hai re warna she also loves me.. ;)
Ab ye mat poonch ki konasiwali ;) he he he

Chal njoy new place and designation too


Wishes For all those including kb ;) including tinu too ;) who may match their life as the post

*TIME IS THE ANSWER* and keep the show go on.. I am and always sure that LIFE will not more unfair with you..

But if we are together no tears plz..

( when i am alone i am with kb but i dont cries but kb )

As for kb

I am there for you..

What should i wish

Wish it doesnt happens if there is not happy ending

And it answered go to sleep


Cyaaa mumbai
( dont know when i wil get network .. That wil send this post but i clicked on send menu @ 2:45 am )

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Mitranno Namskar

When i get ready to go outside home i hope i wont hear the fucking news of terrorism from now on.. Now on? I certainly not wished to heard in the past too

And certainely i am not in mood to thank to destiny that saved me...

Most of time u will find me @ vt at 10 pm .. And say by coincidence i on wednesday had left vt at 9 pm..

But those died in the incident happend in past 3 days.. My heartfelt condolences are with their families...

Unfortunetly Expressing condolences is only what i can do...

But we all can do things.. Be attentive..

Electronic Media should not have aim towords incrising trp in such situations.. It seemed me all were concious but media...

Offcourse police, army, commandos knows better how to deal the situation .. And i hope the government has provisions to *avoid* these situations.. It should do as the standard protocols expects.. No mearcy to guilty!

Hatz off to mumbai police officers who lost their lives..

U were from those who keeps mumbai running safe

Thanks to doctors from various hospitals.. Who did saved hundreds of lives.. Those who been injured ..

Have a peacefull years ahead to all..


-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

त्याच भावनेने

Mitranno Namskar

पंडीत भीमसेन जोशी यांस.. मी कोनीच नाही पन शुभेछा तर देवुच शकतो .. आपल्याला भारतरत्न ह्य सर्वोच्च नागरी पुरस्काराने सन्मानीत करण्यात आलय..

Thanks to indian govt
At the same time i proud on myself to be able to live in the days of the *few* great persons

Ummm thanks to airtel too u had a song that i could set as hello tune.. I beilive this only from my side i can *atleast* do in the tribute of panditajee


-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

i have a Q

Mitranno Namskar

मी नरीमन पाँइंट ला आहे
अगदी एकटा .. मै और मेरी तनहाई .. तस
काँल पन कोणाला करायची इच्छा होत नाहीय .

आजचा दिवस कसा होता केब्या .. छान

पन आज एक प्रश्न आला मनात .
समझा जर चान्स मिलाला तर कुठुन परत सुरुवात करायला आवडेन ?

मी जळगाव ला आलो त्या दिवसापासुन ..
मी तर अस पन म्हनेन की मी जळगाव ला येवुच नये..

तो पर्यंत मी निखल जगलोय म्हनुन.

आशा करतो तुम्हाला मागे वळुन परत सुरुवात करायसाठी एकही कारण मीळु नये..

प्रश्न हा परत सुरुवात करायला मिळेन की नाही हा नाही . *कारण* मिळत की नाही हा आहे

उद्या काय करू .
जमल तर नाटक पहायला जायीन .
काही वर्षा नंतर परत प्रश्न आला तर कमीत कमी हे कारण नको म्हनुन.

चला मी निघतो ..

भेटत राहु.

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rangat Rangali Diwali

Mitranno Namskar

Zakkas re .. Wah .. 1 number
Love you marathi

What happend kb?
Have you seen *any* marathi karyakram ?

I had just titled ' rangat rangali diwali '

When ? On 28th ie diwalichya diwashi

Kiti vajata? Sakali 6:30 la

Kebyaa tula jag aali! Ti jababdari kundan chi hoti

Venue? Kalidas natyagruh mulund

Kay karyakram hota pan?
Gani, kavita, gappa
Kon kon hot aani?

Ashok naygavkar
Ashok patki
Sharad ponkshe
Sharad uppadhye

*mahit nasnaryansathi

Naygavkar he hasya kavi ahet
Lokanna hasawan he sarvat kathin kam
Mala pan khot hasta yetach nahi
Pan 45 min kase gelet samajalach nahi

Patki sangitkar ( ti zandu baam chi ad ahe na te sangit patkini dilay ) fakt advertise hech ek kshetra nahi .. Chitrapat sangit sudha ahe ..
Radha hi bawari he tyanch gan.
Gan hyasathi karan shabd pan tyanchech
Mile sur mera tumhara hyala pan tyanch sangit ahe
tyani sangit dilelya ek gan khup mast ahe

Sharad upadhye .. He rashichakrakar ahet rashinvarun honarya gamati tyanchyakadun aikan hi pan ek maja asate..
Kanya rashiche lok ek gosht kartana kase confuse hotat he tyanchyakadun aikav
Ata particular mhatal tar
Nathuram godse hyanchi ras kanya pan tyani gandhincha vadh kartana mage pudhe pahil nahi he aplya deshach bhagya as nirbhid pane sangnar abhineta sharad ponkshe

Sharad ji apan pan 100% agree ..

Tumhi nathuram godse amachya samor ubha kelay
' mi nathuram godse boltoy ' mi pahilay .. Cd varun pahilay.. Pan wah kay tumcha abhinay .. Ekdam bhari..( upadtes later on : i am sorry i just remembered the play i have seen .. he is not sharad ponkshe.. but no worries i would see when i will get chance if the play will be played by sharad ponkshe that too live! )

Ani abhineta mhanun tumhi kharach kiti pramanik ahat ..
Glad to know u sir!

Aani hya sarv lokanshi gappa marta marta
Ajit parab
Madhuri karamkar
Shradha salavi
Prashant kalundrekar

Hyani surel gani mhanun karyakramat bhar takali

Leena bhagvat .. Hyani sutra sanchalan kel

Ani vadya vrund madhe asnaryanchi nav visarlo
But thanks to u

Mi fakt yevadh mhanen
Mi ti pahat maza mich asalela jaglo

4 tas ani 120 rs were worth to spend

I love mumbai why?
See the ppls came to karyakram
Hi 10% gardi ahe

Are ho ghari gelo nahi he pan worth tharal
Office aal re
Njoy life

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Monday, October 27, 2008

it happend .. So m happy

Mitranno Namskar

Its working day today
So möod is somewhat down :)

But once work wil start all wil be ok
Same happens always
When u r concentration is moved to other thing it help u ease u r mind

Unknowingly i wake up 2 day at 5 am

What u did kb then?


Later i found its 2day 'narak chaturthy'
And as tradition if u bath before sunrise .. U wil get pass to heaven!

I think i have reserved one!

What u will do kb 2marrow u have holiday na?

Yeps 2 days i have leave from work
So tomarrow morning me and kundya attending marathi ' sangit maifil ' at 6 am ! And we as last year celebrating diwali together ..

And i know it will sure increse happiness i m just waiting for 2marrow ..

Ok then enjoy diwali @ u r own + safe way



Happy bday panu... Njoy the day + life + my treat ;) - gift lol

Have a safe life

Reached vt !


-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I wish i could too

kundan.. One of my listed friend in my directory of life..

This saterday ni8 i meet him..

i was knowing he has guitaar.... but he started learning to play it..

currently he is preparing for the upsc exam.. he is an engineer from vjit.. ( he don't like to be identified by this way ) ...

wish your this dream come true ... ( dont give too much time to learn it ;) you have both u r hands working ... so you have time in your *hand* to LEARN .. But not to STUDY )..

umm but i know music eases the mind... use it to get success ..

chal cyaaaaaaaaaa

wishes are always with you...

Monday, October 13, 2008

it hurts a lot when.....

Prabhat chauk @ Jalgaon

Mitranno Namskar

I Remembers a sentence of amryaa

Kebyaa u r emotional pool Fool

Very well said amrish bhau.. U judged it in right direction..

So i am at jalgaon ..
And i have been a ni8 at my home..

2day i was bored .. Sunyaa 2 were at his room .. So to be happy i wanted to hit my lovely place in jalgaon..

It *was* my favourite place .. Whem i was in sad mood , happy mood i use to show myself to that place..

But its now vanished.. There built a wall compound .. Youngster who smokes use to be there whole day .. Secure place .. I m talking about place between mj ground and one end of diploma colleage ..

Who use to give me company there.. Mi always go there alone.. Never go with any of friend .. Used to beilive that is only for me..

I sharply remember there was a sement concrete bridge that served to cross a 5 feet ' nala '
And 6 shaped rock of stool size were fitted on the bridge .. We ( those who not use to owe bikes ) used them for sitting purpose..

Whenever i felt some deep thought i have been there to think more on that..

Oops i 4get to mention the trees actually lot of trees provided a cool envirnoment in hot city.. No worries i had came here at 1 pm too to take rest.. In the months of may.. Oh nw i have answer , mine bday falls in may so the may heat was nt applicable on me ;)

But pankya u r s in feb .. How u did mananged to hit roads at 48 c ;)

Back to point .. The place served me as study room too!
I have hold book about 4- 5 hours continuously!
ok hostalites! This is true ;)

I managed to secure 91.7? Percentile in all india mca exam.
And the exam study was dond at this place..

So the place had given me all i wanted from it ..
And its been a place who have shared my happiness.. Sorrows.. Failures ... Success
Oh better word always there LIFE !

I will always miss u dear.. I am sure u too!
Dont worry before leaving this life we will meet.. I can cross compounds!

Wishing some other place who have ppls connected with her remains always connected !

Tinyaa we missed our newspapers first issue's headline ;(
But thanks to him who corrected the error! See carefully the snap

Reached vt!
Oh yes i m back!
-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Need to write any text for the post ?

Dont have audio device? .. its no use then if u see without them...

Video shooting by kundan.... and thanks sunil, i managed to cut a adult scene. shooting date-- 15th aug 08


Sunday, September 28, 2008

kitti chaan ahe he

Mitranno Namskar

Thanks god i found connector with the help of which i could recharge my device using old days charger.. And thanks to amrish who know all this..

So this means i am not in mumbai ;)
Oh yes i am writing this from pune..
I came in saterday morning to meet above mentioned person... So only he knowing i am in pune

And i m nw ready to head towards mumbai..
But in the meantime i can sure write a blog post

Amrya was busy wen i reached here.. And i have many friends who i should inform .. But i just cant say no wen they will force me to meet them..

So i decided to hit bal gandharv
My loving place in pune .. I first scanned shows . 12 : 30 pm .. Umm ok i thought .. But its 11 : 45 ... So i came out again to have something to eat .. I crossed sambhaji garden .. And i got my attention at the entrace board..
It was exibition held there ..
I wanted to check it out.. So i cheked in..

First few stalls are Various flowers crops..umm kb decides when he will have his house he will have few of these kind of beauty..

Next few stalls are of show items to add in show case , okie kb u need to earn enough.. Because they are quite expensive...

Then a stall of sented candles ( hand made )
I spent little more time than other.. The aged lady was expressing her love and proud for her grand daughter.. When ppls use to ask details and comment were nearly same kitti chaan ahe he... A typically pune .. Yes but it surely turning on the family.. I liked the words
Kitti chaan ahe he..

I left the stall to see others stuff..

And i saw the 'bonsai' of various trees..
( i m going by shivneri to mumbai.. The train would caused me to travel standing )

i have snaps of those and surely i missed the eos ( my future camera )
One more reason to miss it was the press photographers came there having like that

Having enough wondering
In exibition i was about to cheked out but i did visited the candle stall again..

And buyed candles
It turned on the girl ;)
She gave me complementry candle too !

I hav got cold :( so will try later litting them

In the end it was worth to miss the ' lavani show ' @ bal gandharv

It was 4 pm and i received sms
And got instructions how to reach ..

So finally things started ..
And in the end amrish asked q
Who looks smart? Umm amrish bhau .. Naraj mat hona but ab main bhi kuch nahi bolata.. Warna things will start again!

have safe life u rohini
Thanks for that extra candle
I liked u r attitude..

Btw i have answer to q
Pune tithe kay une?
Local ;)

Amrya next time only 1 and after that direct to hotel .. Pakkawala promiss

I think i totally missed .. :(

-- updates on 3/10/08

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Mitranno Namskar

And i am trying to count 10 9 ...1
As fast as possible.. Its not working but

So better i keep hearing the songs.. Chek my older post to know that tracks..

It was going to be late 2day .. But thank god i have 2 chance to board in regular local..

1 chance.. Kb travels sitting
2 chance kb travels standing

So what plan 2 day .. ? I decided to test 2day how fast i can work..
Obviously keeping music player on..

But the fact is i am annoyed 2day.. And i hope .. No one will listen me in this mood..

Ghhhuuurrrrrr Annoying

If u can , send me sms .. I will believe u sent without reading the post..

And yes i dont like shayari
They are just no use for me

I wish i will get lots of meaningful sms that wil help me come out this.. As the songs doing it for me..

Ghhhuuurrrrrr Annoying..

Have safe - annoying life...

Reached vt..

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.

Monday, September 22, 2008

And i did it

Mitranno Namskar

Its sunday beautiful ni8...
going to bed in some time

So be4 saying gn .. I can sure share something..

So i finally got rock on's music downloaded on my device..
And obviously i m listening only that from saterday eve..

And today eve i was at gate way of india..

Goan there to learn photography practically ..

Thanks panu for giving me valuable nikon coolpix ..

Yeah i did shoot number of wrong composition snaps..
And have removed those from cameras memory just not to give her chance to point me as bad photographer.. Lol

Btw there is lot in photography to do.. Its more than just point and shoot.. I clicked snaps using options i know .. And i learnt lot/little while doing that..

Its always feels nice to explore about unknown and that too in your interested area..

But i was expecting to click lots of snaps.. It couldnt happened.. I got busy on line..

And i will give the album link which have only those snaps which turned to be good ( according to me ).. Chekout comments of this post for the same..

Images size is in mb.. And it would have took time if i attached those with this mail to deliver..

Ohh yes
Have safe life to camera.. And to gate way of india ..


Good ni8..

-- updates on 3/10/08

-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949

Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.