Mitranno Namskar
And the reason is i want to make less use of keypad of my loving device
I had just renovation of it, costing kebyaa a 5.5 k
It has new original body
Solved issue of speaker
Scratch guard
Lather case
And a bluetooth
And its again functioning gr8
Ah btw
How is kb's married life
Good going guys
I am having daily a quality food
Swati is being beilieved by myself to eat as most as she can ;) i know she is getting adjusted with her this new change
I have a legal gas connection
Shopping for necessary things are almost done
We dont need much to pay for vegitables , cause we eat mostaly pulses supplied all the way from jalgaon ;)
I do njoying cooking for dinner
Swati cooks well though
The office tiffin is shared by only n only kb ;)
I have some time teaching swati related to computer languages
Currently java is on list
I have now first class season ticket
Smoking reduced satisfactorly
At the time i am writing this i have gave interview on oops in mumbai
At least i know the questions
I guess interviewer satisfied with same
A free advice
Be clear for what are things like, loves, matters for u with u r spouce.
I first time got experience being in mnc, nihilent pune
And was amazed to see their setup
Since i have left webo i am adjusting myself to woke up early.
Swati is at hometown so njoying freedom
At last she know how much friends i have
Cyaaa guys
I m keeping my show go on ;)
-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949
Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device