सुधीर भाउ आपण माझ्या सोबत आलात मंडळ आभारी आहे.
मुलगी व्यवस्थीत आहे
नकार का द्यावा अशी परिस्थीती आहे . आनखी
2 चान्स घ्यावेत असा विचार आहे.
What i thinking why to be in hurry .. Afterall i will wish to go for best suitable match
i thought i will be unconfortable there .. But all went well..
Girls looks heighted in sarees huh.. Even sudhyaa was confused.
असो उद्या पोहे क्रं 2 .. ;)
Before that i will be finishing remained tasks from my project
I hope i had good impression left on the girl n m in the wishing list of her ;)
Neways lets c what happens tomarrow ..
Btw i happened to be at some other day at mantralaya ane i found a lady begger speaking english.. Ye hai mumbai meri jaan!
Wish the girl finds someone *more* worthy than me if needs ;)
Reached vt!
This time? Yeps i m adjustible according to situation
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Reach me @+91 9987550949
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