Gm from vashi
Yes today is dinesh's day and we celebrated it as per the conventions last ni8.
i like 2 be in parties .. There outcome are things which rarely comes in mind easily.
' Aaj jari mi RAM ( idolistic man defined in hindu mythology ) nasalo. Tari mi jenvha RAM asen tenvha mi pan expect karen ki ti SITA asavi. Everybody has PAST And i believe that shouldnt affect FUTURE '
Each ram should keep in mind that what matters is present and future of sita . no vice varsa . Why? We lives in so called indian society where no one considers womens feelings. *( this is my opinion only and can/cant be changed later )
Mens do use to share their partners about themselves whom they liked ..
What if their parteners shared their past ???
Now this is true for love marriages too.
I tell u abt me say fortunately i found a girl who PATU shakate..
I wil tell her all abt me. BUT I WILL EXPECT SHE DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO SHARE. Do i am speaking mens mind??
I can understand everyone has past . But i dont want to understand that X has past. When it will be arrange type. So A wil not also let X understand that A has past. Because i am one of the all who is from Mars
Fyi , i wish to have love marriage . I wil tell my past and expect to know too. Because what will matter 4 me is future.
If anyhow arranged? Then = no expectation..
Long post? Yeah ? harbor lines runs slow locals only..
Reaching vt in few
Have safe life to dinesh . Its 08-08-08 today wow!
And thank god u told me something last ni8 ..
* so that no one can file case against me for the cause of speaking / writing / sharing / expressing on indian society.
-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949
Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.
Gud to knw that u care/ hav feelings for your partner.
i wish your wish come true.
ur spouse will be the most lucky person on this earth bcoz u r wid her.
hey yogi...
Waise main batadu.. i am/was not marketing myself!! lol
keep visiting and commenting!!
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