When i get ready to go outside home i hope i wont hear the fucking news of terrorism from now on.. Now on? I certainly not wished to heard in the past too
And certainely i am not in mood to thank to destiny that saved me...
Most of time u will find me @ vt at 10 pm .. And say by coincidence i on wednesday had left vt at 9 pm..
But those died in the incident happend in past 3 days.. My heartfelt condolences are with their families...
Unfortunetly Expressing condolences is only what i can do...
But we all can do things.. Be attentive..
Electronic Media should not have aim towords incrising trp in such situations.. It seemed me all were concious but media...
Offcourse police, army, commandos knows better how to deal the situation .. And i hope the government has provisions to *avoid* these situations.. It should do as the standard protocols expects.. No mearcy to guilty!
Hatz off to mumbai police officers who lost their lives..
U were from those who keeps mumbai running safe
Thanks to doctors from various hospitals.. Who did saved hundreds of lives.. Those who been injured ..
Have a peacefull years ahead to all..
-by kb
Reach me @+91 9987550949
Note - This Mail is sent from my mobile device.
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